You must already be familiar with papaya. Arguably, papaya
is a tropical plant that grows in Indonesia. You can find papaya plants
Papaya is a fruit and plants are versatile and can be eaten
either cooked or raw. In addition, the plant is pulled, not only the fruit that
can be eaten, but the leaves and roots can you consume.
Well, here are other benefits of papaya leaves are believed
to cure some diseases. Among them:
1. Cancer
The disease is a serious threat and very scary today. People
with cancer growing in the world, including in Indonesia. Data WHO says cancer
patients increases every year 6.25 million people. Furthermore, an estimated 9
million people will die of cancer within the next 10 years.
To avoid the danger of cancer, start a healthy lifestyle and
eat vegetables, especially papaya. Because the leaves of papaya are made into
tea drinks proved to be very effective for the prevention and treatment of
2. Maag
The disease is arguably the typical diseases of modern man.
Imagine, a solid rushing and irregular eating patterns, making us more susceptible
to ulcers.
3. Digestion
Constipation or constipation? Eat papaya. The enzyme papain
found in papaya leaves can help aid digestion and treat indigestion.
Not only that, the tea leaves of papaya can mengurangisakit
cause stomach discomfort and appetite enhancer.
4. Antioxidants
Free radicals, like smoke from a motor vehicle exhaust,
dust, and so are the enemies of a healthy body and skin beauty. But still, you
can combat that with papaya
Antioxidants are allegedly can counteract free radicals that
can cause damage to the person's body.
However, in addition to the benefits, there are also negative effects of papaya
leaves. You need to know, for some people, papaya leaves can cause a
reaction alergi. So, if there are signs of allergy after eating papaya leaves,
then discontinue use
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