Sleep Benefits In Case Dark / Lights

The more a night and it was getting dark, then our bodies will increasingly feel tired and sleepy. This is a very reasonable thing, the synthesis and secretion of the hormone melatonin by the pineal gland increases with time more nights. This hormone causes us to be sleepy at night. The function of sleepiness is a positive signal for the body to get rest him.

sleep in the dark
 Sleep certainly has become a routine activity of every person. With Sleep at night, then the man will give you a break on the mind and physical, at noon after an exhausting activity. And when you wake up in the morning, the body will feel better feel fresh and can back their activities as usual.

 And there are some people who turned out to sleep the night in a state of glowing lights. There is also a sleep by turning off the lights. The question is, is there any difference between the two? The answer is Yes, because in a state of sleep night lights will harm health.

Here below are some of the dangers of sleeping in a state of glowing lights.
Increase the risk of cancer
 People who turn on the lights during sleep, it will stimulate the formation of cancer cells in the body. So turn off the lights when you sleep at night is very advisable thing to do.

Melatonin hormone
 The hormone melatonin is very closely related to the body's ability to maintain immunity. With sleep while turning on the lights it will be to inhibit the production of the hormone melatonin, so appear dangerous variety.
Benefits of sleep in the dark or turn off the lights
 Sleep a night in the room was completely dark will be very beneficial for the body. Biologists named Joan Robert said that the new body could produce the hormone melatonin when absolutely no light.

 Hormones apparently one immune hormones were able to fight and prevent a variety of diseases, including breast cancer and prostate cancer. Unfortunately, the hormone melatonin will not appear when a person sleeps at night in a state of glowing lights.

 The presence of light or light albeit slightly, then make the hormone melatonin production stops. By turning off the lights when in bed at night, it can save a lot of energy while also increasing the body's health.

Therefore if there are people who slept the night while watching TV, then this is a bad thing.

 Other researchers from the UK and other countries, find the science that when the light is turned on at night, it can trigger excessive expression of cells associated with the formation of cancer cells.

 In fact, scientists claim if someone woke up at night and the lights on for a few seconds, it can cause biological changes, which were at risk of cancer. For the people who wake up at night, avoid turning on the light.
The risk of leukemia in children who sleep with the lights on
 Children who sleep with the lights on then it would be at risk of developing leukemia. The scientists found that the body needs darkness in producing substances to fight cancer. Even when the lights turn on the toilet, passing street lamps will be able to stop the production of melatonin.

A Professor of Texas University said:
"Once you sleep and do not turn off the lights for 1 minute. Your brain immediately recognizes the light as day, so that melatonin levels drop. "

A study published in the city of London found that people who suffer from cancer due to prolonged use of lights when you sleep at night. Normally, melatonin production occurs between the hours of 9 pm to 8 am.
Sleep Benefits In Case Dark / Lights Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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