Benefits of Tomatoes To Health & nutrition content

Benefits of Tomatoes To Health & nutrition content

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Benefits of tomatoes seem to have been familiar to everyone in the world. The tomatoes did have keasaaman distinctive flavor, and often used as a spice in cooking. Not just a spice in cooking, but the content of nutrients in tomatoes is beneficial for the body.
Nutrient Tomato
Nutrients in one serving of raw tomatoes (one cup or 150 grams) include, vitamins A, C, K, folate and potassium. Tomatoes contain sodium, saturated fat, cholesterol and calories. Most of us do not realize the mineral intake is sufficient, but the tomatoes serves good mineral content such as thiamin, niacin, vitamin B6, magnesium, and copper FOSFOR.
In cancer (remember not the term dry bag alias tidat have money)
The tomatoes also contain carotenoids four main types namely alpha, beta-carotene, lutein, and lycopene. Carotenoids can be helpful for the individual, but also have synergy as a group (ie, they interact to provide health benefits). In particular, tomatoes contain awesome amounts of lycopene which is estimated to have the highest antioxidant benefits of all carotenoids.
Helpful for eyesight
According to a study from Ohio State University, the tomatoes are eaten with healthy fats, like those found on the benefits of avocado or olive oil benefits, phytochemicals can help the absorption of carotenoids in the body to increase by 2 to 15 times. These are all nutrients necessary for good health of the body.
For nursing mothers
Breastfeeding mothers need food that can enhance the production of SI such benefits katuk leaves. But tomatoes can also be another alternative, to increase the concentration of lycopene ASI. In this case, the cooked tomatoes will yield the best results. Because the researchers found that tomato products such as tomato sauce provide an increased concentration of lycopene in breast milk is more than fresh tomatoes.
Can reduce obesity
Tomatoes can help you lose weight as diet menu, made with an exercise plan that should also be done. Consuming a lot of tomatoes into everyday eating by making as snacks such as salads, casseroles, sandwiches and other food. Because tomatoes contain a lot of water and fiber, thus becoming one of the foods that can fill the stomach quickly, without adding the risk of adding calories or fat in them.
May reduce pain either injured or not
If the chances of you often experience pain, such as arthritis or back pain), tomato can ease this pain. Bioflavonoids and carotenoids, is an anti-inflammatory agent that is able to overcome inflammation. This includes also the inflammation that occurs in chronic diseases that usually require the drug against pain (anti-inflammatory).
Can care for heart health
Potassium can help the body maintain a healthy heart besides fiber, potassium, vitamin C, and choline in a tomato is very important for the heart. Type combined with the intake of potassium and low sodium diet can help prevent us from disease akrdiovaskular.
Can prevent high blood pressure
Reducing sodium is one step in the prevention of hypertension, but increasing potassium intake is very important to help prevent the occurrence of high pressure direction.
Benefits of Tomatoes To Beauty
Benefits of vegetables rich in beta-carotene and vitamin A, giving efficacy to nourish the skin and hair, as well as in tomatoes. Beta-carotene is also found in the benefits of sweet potatoes and carrots that help protect the skin against sun damage. Then vitamin A in tomatoes is very good for hair
On oily skin, some skin problems often arise. Acne can be prevented with the use of masks tomatoes every seminngu twice. Kasker combination of tomato and avocado also help overcome the blackheads because they are both naturally occurring substance in synergy with anti-bacterial and prevent skin irritation.
How to use :
First Slice fresh tomatoes as needed and Paste on oily skin 10-15 minutes then rinse with clean water
Perform routine in the morning and at night before bed. The oils in the skin will soon disappear.
In lieu of the cream to the porters of sunburn
The direct sun burns the skin, can be prevented with tomato smeared on the skin. The content of lycopene in the tomatoes, making the skin more sensitive to UV light damage. In addition, when there is inflammation can add a little yogurt on skin inflammation.
How to use :
Tomato juice 1-2 pieces without water and apply to the skin evenly before leaving the house and Allow 10-15 minutes then wash with clean water.
Hair loss solutions
Vitamin A is found in tomatoes, is very well maintain luster and strength of hair. And the real function also for healthy teeth and bones. Although tomatoes are not able to help melebatkan thin hair like celery benefits, but with the tomatoes to eat tomatoes, will make the hair look better.
How to use :
Tomato juice 1-3 pieces in accordance with the needs kemudianeramas hair the hair with tomato juice. Or raw tomatoes regularly diamakan
The tomatoes also contain vitamin E, which can be used as a deterrent acne come back in the skin. Its use is easy enough to make a mask as well as the benefits of cucumber.
How to use :

Sliced ​​1 tomato and Paste on the skin where your acne. Allow 30 minutes. After that, rinse with clean water. Perform routine
Benefits of Tomatoes To Health & nutrition content Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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