Gravel it can be used for beauty therapy. The content of the natural energy contained in it makes gravel can be used to soften the skin, brighten skin and overcome the problem of wrinkles. Is that right?
During this time the knowledge of people, just gravel used as building foundations or ornamental garden. In China, gravel therapy since 6000 years ago has been used as an alternative medicine therapy to cure various diseases. Along with the development, therapeutic gravel that was once used as therapeutic treatment, is now also used as a beauty therapy. Pebble stone therapy is done by stepping on pebbles. The benefit is the blood flow and improve the function of the body's organs. If the blood flow smoothly and organs work well, then dull skin becomes bright and smooth.
Why is that??
Pebbles trampled automatically on acupuncture points on the soles of the feet. These points are related to blood flow. If the therapy is carried out continuously, the acupoints having suppressed it stimulates the blood flow is blocked due to fatty deposits and dirt. Emphasis will also optimize the function of the kidneys so the sewerage system of the body and urine more smoothly. If so, then substances and nutrients your body needs can be channeled properly, including skin gets. This is what makes the skin look brighter and smooth, and free of wrinkles and acne.
Oval and slightly dark colored
Pebbles are best used for beauty therapy is a stone shaped oval, slightly tinted dark and not too pointy because it can cause bruising and cuts. The pebbles are thus better able to emit heat energy when the emphasis. Gravel oval shape made of gravel can be directly targeted in acupuncture titk foot.
This gravel therapy you can do yourself at home. Before undergoing this therapy you should ensure the conditions in a state fit and getting enough sleep. This therapy is recommended not to do when you are not healthy, because it will make your body become increasingly weak. In order to get good results, therapy should be done in the morning hours of 8-9 am because at that moment the sun is not too hot and new energy is still fused naturally in rocks. This therapy can also be done in the afternoon, around 4-6 pm.
This gravel therapy should be done in the open lingkukngan green nuances, like in the shade of garden trees. The combination between stone and gravel and open nature can stimulate positive energy into the body so that your metabolism working properly. Gravel used should not be wet, especially submerged in puddles. The reason, wet rock can lead to rheumatic and sense of pain in the feet at night before the early morning.
The initial step in therapy is to put gravel pebbles one meter dipekarangan home. After that during 15-20 minutes, you can walk on the gravel sprinkles. Should proceed slowly in order to maximize the performance of gravel toward the goal of acupuncture points. This therapy should not take more than half an hour, because it can make your feet bruised and heat.
Side effects
Because the therapy is carried out only step on gravel, then this therapy does not cause side effects. This therapy can be done at any age. For teenagers stone therapy can overcome acne and dull skin problems as early as possible. But there are some people who have skin sensitivity level slightly higher. For people like this still have to be careful, because the effects of friction soles and gravel can cause bruising and cracked skin. Therefore, to prevent it before stepping on gravel should you apply moisturizer around your feet.
Acupuncture Facial

To obtain maximum results, we recommend this pebble stone therapy combined with acupuncture facial done every two weeks. In addition sprinkles before walking on gravel, you can do massage on the forehead area, under the cheekbones and the chin as much as 3-4 times a round. While performing the massage, spread natural honey so that the skin is getting brighter. To obtain maximum results, it is recommended mengosumsi yam, banana or passion fruit that can support the therapy. Third these fruits can be eaten directly or blended. Fruits are consumed completed therapy pebbles

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